Lukas Jebavy Eliminated by Steve Buell

Jun 24, 2019


Steve Buell (pictured) raises to 3,500 from middle position and Lukas Jebavy moves all in from the button for 21,000. ClubWPT Qualifier Jon Hamlin calls in the big blind, and Buell moves all in for 30,000. Hamlin calls.

Hamlin: Heart 9Spade 9
Jebavy: Heart QDiamond Q
Buell: Heart KDiamond K

The board runs out Club JDiamond 2Spade 8Heart ADiamond 10 and Buell eliminates Jebavy while also more then doubling through.

Steve Buell – 83,500
Jon Hamlin – 58,000
Lukas Jebavy – Eliminated

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