Shiqi Liu Attempts to Flip Yang Qian Xiao Out of the Field

Jul 17, 2023

Shiqi Liu

Shiqi Liu (pictured) opens to 2,000 from the button and the small blind player calls. Yang Qian Xiao three-bet shoves the big blind, totaling 16,700 and only Liu calls for a runout, putting Xiao at risk.

Yang Qian Xiao: Spade JDiamond J
Shiqi Liu: Heart AClub J

The dealer fans out Heart 9Heart 6Spade 3Heart KSpade 9 and Xiao hangs on to secure the pot, doubling through Liu shortly after returning from dinner break.

Yang Qian Xiao – 36,000 (36 bb)
Shiqi Liu – 75,000 (75 bb)

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