Lily Kornik Picks Up Jacks to Double

May 14, 2024

Photo: Lily Kornik

Gabriel Vezina raises to 16,000 in early position and Senthuran Vijayaratham calls in middle position, as does Alexander Bolduc in the the cutoff. Lily Kornik then moves all in for 113,000 on the button and only Vijayaratham calls.

Lily Kornik: Heart JDiamond J
Senthuran Vijayaratham: Heart 8Club 8

Kornik has Vijayaratham dominated with her jacks as the board runs out Heart 2Heart 10Club ADiamond 5Club Q to earn her the double up.

“I’ve been waiting forever for a hand. Forever. Couldn’t get anything,” Kornik says.

Lily Kornik- 250,000 (31 bb)
Senthuran Vijayaratham- 130,000 (16 bb)
Gabriel Vezina- 150,000 (19 bb)
Alexandre Bolduc- 500,000 (63 bb)

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