Liam He Doubles Thru Kane Kalas

Feb 4, 2016

Liam He

Kane Kalas raises to 125,000 preflop from late position and Liam He (pictured) three-bets to 265,000 on the button. Amir Babakhani calls on the big blind and Kalas four-bets to 655,000. Liam He five-bet shoves and Babakhani folds. Kalas calls to barely cover Liam He and they flip over their hands.

Liam He:  Club AHeart A
Kane Kalas:  Heart JSpade J

Board:  Spade KDiamond 3Diamond 2Spade AClub 9

Liam He wins the huge pot and he holds 4.65 million after the hand. Kalas is crippled with just 50,000 remaining.

Liam He  –  4,650,000  (93 bb)
Kane Kalas  –  50,000  (1 bb)

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