Lewis Cowell Eliminated in 8th Place ($20,660)

Mar 20, 2023

Lewis Cowell

Hand #67: For the second hand in a row, Lewis Cowell pushes all-in. This time, it is for 1,175,000 and Matthieu Lamagnere in the small blind calls.

Lewis Cowell: Club AHeart 9
Matthieu Lamagnere: Diamond KClub Q

“King queen never wins,” Lamagnere jokes and then adds “you are blocking my straight draws” when he picks up an open-ended straight draw on the Spade JClub 10Diamond 4 flop.

Nothing changes with the Diamond 7 turn and Cowell loudly demands for the three of spades. Instead, the board completes with the Diamond A river and Lamagnere improves to broadway to soar further ahead.

Matthieu Lamagnere – 10,200,000 (68 bb)
Lewis Cowell – Eliminated in 8th Place ($20,660)

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