Levin Oruc Won't Get Bluffed

Mar 29, 2023

Levin Oruc opens to 1,000 under the gun and the player on the button calls.

The dealer spreads a flop of Spade 6Diamond 6Diamond 3 that is checked through to the Heart 10 turn. Oruc check-calls a bet of 1,500 from the player on the button.

The Heart 3 completes the board and Oruc check-calls another bet of 5,500 from his opponent. The player on the button turns over Spade QHeart J for sixes and threes with a queen kicker and Oruc tables Spade ADiamond K for sixes and threes with an ace kicker to take down the pot.

Levin Oruc – 49,000 (122 bb)

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