Leon Li-ta-Hsu (Taiwan SAR) Doubles Thru Yang Zhang (China)

Sep 21, 2018

Team Taiwan SAR

Yang Zhang (China) moves all in from the small blind, and Leon Li-ta Hsu (Taiwan SAR) is in the big blind with 122,000, and he quickly uses one of his two-minute Team Timeouts to confer with his teammates.

But Hsu gets up from the table and turns around — and he has no idea where his teammates are! The other players laugh as Hsu goes off to find his teammates, and fortunately for him, he quickly finds them.

Less than 10 seconds later, Hsu is back at the table and quickly calls all in for 122,000 with Spade KDiamond 8. Zhang turns over Heart 9Heart 3, and Hsu needs his hand to hold to keep Team Taiwan SAR in the tournament.

The board comes Spade ASpade 8Spade 4Club 8Heart 10, and Hsu pairs his eight on the flop and turns trips to win the pot and double up his stack for Team Taiwan SAR.

Taiwan SAR  –  260,000  (16 bb)
China  –  290,000  (18 bb)

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