Laurent Benhayoun Knocks Out a Player

Feb 1, 2024

Laurent Benhayoun
Photo:  Laurent Benhayoun

The UTG player raises to 1,800, another player calls from middle position, Laurent Benhayoun calls from the cutoff, the small blind calls, and the big blind reraises to 9,000. Everyone folds but Benhayoun, who calls.

The flop comes Spade JSpade 9Diamond 9, the big blind checks, Benhayoun bets 10,000, and the big blind thinks for a bit before he moves all in.

Benhayoun snap-calls with Heart KDiamond J for two pair, jacks and nines. The big blind turns over Spade KDiamond Q, and needs to improve to stay alive.

The turn card is the Club 6, the river card is the Heart 6, and Benhayoun wins the pot with his higher two pair to eliminate the big blind.

Laurent Benhayoun  –  96,000  (120 bb)

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