Laszlo Olah Eliminated by Roman Papacek in 91st Place (€1,920); Dorjan Ushe Nearly Triples

Apr 14, 2024

Photo: Dorjan Ushe

Dorjan Ushe raises to 20,000 under the gun before Roman Papacek three-bets to 55,000 in the hijack. Laszlo Olah moves all in for 112,000 in the small blind, Ushe also commits his last 101,000, and Papacek calls to put both players at risk.

Dorjan Ushe: Heart QSpade Q
Laszlo Olah: Club 8Heart 8
Roman Papacek: Diamond AHeart J

Ushe’s pocket queens stay in the lead through the Club 4Club 10Club 9Heart 4Diamond J board to earn him a virtual triple up, while Papacek spikes a jack on the river to take the side pot and eliminate Olah in 91st place.

Dorjan Ushe- 310,000 (39 bb)
Roman Papacek- 200,000 (25 bb)
Laszlo Olah- eliminated in 91st place (€1,920)

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