Laszlo Fejes Cuts into Ariel Puterman's Stack

Apr 12, 2024

SXXII WPT Prime Slovakia
Photo: Laszlo Fejes

Ariel Puterman raises to 900 in early position and gets called from both blinds.

On the Heart QDiamond 10Heart 4 flop, the blinds check to Puterman who continues for 1,500. Only Laszlo Fejes calls from the small blind.

On the Diamond 6 turn, Fejes check-calls a bet of 2,800 to see the Club 8 on the river then checks again.

This time Puterman checks back and Fejes shows Club QClub J for a flopped top pair which is good as Puterman sends his cards to the muck.

Ariel Puterman – 107,000 (356 bb)
Laszlo Fejes – 73,000 (182 bb)

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