Laszlo Burany Fills Up in Three-Way All In

Apr 12, 2024

Enrico Rudelitz raises to 9,000 on the button and Laszlo Burany moves all in for 39,500 on the button. Emil Bise reshoves in the big blind and Rudelitz also puts in his last 12,000.

Enrico Rudelitz: Heart QSpade 10
Laszlo Burany: Diamond KSpade J
Emil Bise: Diamond ADiamond 10

The flop comes Heart 6Heart JClub K to give Burany top two pair and the lead. The turn is the Heart A, while the Spade K falls on the river and Burany lets out a big fist pump as he improves to a full house to double off Bise and send Rudelitz to the rail.

Laszlo Burany- 95,000 (32 bb)
Emil Bise- 50,000 (17 bb)
Enrico Rudelitz- eliminated

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