Larry Wright Shoves on Anthony Zinno

May 6, 2024

Larry Wright opens to 110,000 from UTG +1 and is called by William Beverley on the button and Anthony Zinno in the big blind. 

On the flop Spade 4Spade 9Heart 7, Zinno leads for 175,000 but then Wright moves all in for over 1,000,000. 

Beverley quickly gets out of the way but Zinno goes into the tank for a long while. 

After using 4 time banks, Zinno tosses in his cards, saying he folded Spade QSpade 9 and Wrights claims he had bottom set with pocket fours.

Larry Wright – 1,600,000 (32 bb)
Anthony Zinno – 450,000 (9 bb)

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