Kyle Bao Diep Doubles Through Sukhum Kiwanont

May 25, 2023

Kyle Bao Diep

Kyle Bao Diep celebrates his double up against Sukhum Kiwanont. The hand opens with a raise by Diep to 10,000 that finds one caller, Kiwanont three-bets to 38,000, under the gun Diep four-bets to 150,000, caller folds, Kiwanont shoves and Diep snaps. 

Diep Spade QDiamond Q
Kiwanont Diamond AClub Q

The board runs Spade 10Spade 8Club 2Club 4Heart 9

Kyle Bao Diep – 422,000
Sukhum Kiwanont – 60,000

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