Ky Nguyen Wins with Eights

Aug 20, 2018

Saya Ono raises to 6,000 from under the gun, and Thomas Woodard calls on the button. Ky Nguyen calls in the small blind, and Troy Gabaldon calls in the big.

The flop lands Spade JClub 9Club 10 and Ono continues for 13,000. Woodard folds, while Nguyen and Gabaldon both check-call.

The turn and river of the Heart J and Club J check through, and Nguyen tables his Spade 8Club 8.

Gabaldon and Ono both muck, and Nguyen is pushed the pot.

Ky Nguyen – 180,000
Thomas Woodard – 130,000
Saya Ono – 95,000
Troy Gabaldon – 15,000

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