Ky Nguyen Crosses Two Million

May 24, 2023

Ky Nguyen

A pair of recent pots has solidified Ky Nguyen’s spot at the top of the chip counts.

First, after Brad Owen raises to 65,000 in the cutoff and Steven Spunt calls on the button, Nguyen (pictured) three-bets to 240,000 in the big blind which gets folds from both opponents.

In a more sizable pot, Jordan Reid raises to 65,000 in early position and Nguyen calls in the small blind. The duo checks the Club 6Heart QDiamond 7 flop and sees the Club J on the turn.

Nguyen bets 85,000 and gets a call to see the Club Q fall on the river. Nguyen now bets 200,000 and gets another call.

Nguyen shows Club 10Club 9 for a running flush to take the significant pot.

Ky Nguyen – 2,445,000 (81 bb)
Jordan Reid – 580,000 (19 bb)

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