Kunal Patni Triples Up; Matt Douhan Out in Two Hands

Aug 18, 2022

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With the cards already on their backs, Kunal Patni is the shortest stack and at risk for 19,800. He is up against Matt Douhan and Laury Vanlerberghe with the latter being covered by Douhan.

Kunal Patni: Heart KClub K
Laury Vanlerberghe: Club QSpade Q
Matt Douhan: Club 6Heart 6

The three pocket pairs don’t connect with the Spade JHeart 7Spade 4Spade 10Heart 4 and Patni triples up while Vanlerberghe doubled through Patni. One hand later, Douhan is all-in for the rest of it and Vanlerberghe bets the Spade QClub 3Diamond 3Spade A turn to isolate.

Douhan shows Spade 4Spade 2 and has outs with a gutshot and flush draw, up against Diamond ADiamond 4. However, the Club Q river is a blank and Douhan is eliminated.

Kunal Patni – 60,000
Laury Vanleberghe – 42,000
Matt Douhan – Eliminated

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