Kunal Patni Takes from Theodore McQuilkin

Jan 11, 2018

Picking up the action with the turn showing Club KDiamond JDiamond 7Club 6 and 2,000 in the middle, Theodore McQuilkin bet and faced a raise to 3,375 by table neighbor Kunal Patni. McQuilkin opted to squeeze to 11,050 and Patni called with some 13,000 behind.

The Heart 7 river completed the board and McQuilkin checked over for the stack of his opponent before checking. Patni checked behind and McQuilkin sighed, said “you win” before turning over his Heart 6Heart 3. Patni flipped over Club 7Club 4 for a pair and flush draw that had improved to trips, and the look of confusion on McQuilkin’s face while glancing over at his opponent was saying more than 1,000 words.

Kunal Patni – 37,000
Theodore McQuilkin – 19,000

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