Kunal Patni Chips Up

Jun 28, 2018

On a flop of Spade QDiamond 5Spade 10 with 3,300 in the middle, action checks to Kunal Patni in middle position who bets 1,600.

The player on the button calls, Andra Zachow folds in the big blind, and the player under the gun calls.

The turn of the Spade K checks through as the Club 7 lands on the turn.

The under the gun player leads out for 4,100, and Patni calls, and the button folds.

“You got it!” announces the river aggressor as he shows his Club 8Spade 8.

Patni reveals his Heart QDiamond 9 for second pair, and the Adda52 Pro scoops the pot.

Kunal Patni – 21,800

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