Kuang Hung Lee Prevails in Three-Way All-In

Nov 20, 2019

With just 4,000 in the middle and the flop showing Club QDiamond 6Club 5, Jieming Xu bets 2,200 and Kamran Malekpour moves all in for 13,800. Kuang Hung “Luke” Lee calls and Xu then reshoves all-in which Lee calls to also end up at risk.

Kamran Malekpour – Heart KDiamond Q
Kuang Hung Lee – Heart AHeart Q
Jieming Xu – Diamond 8Spade 7

The Diamond 5 turn and the Diamond 2 river change nothing whatsoever and Malekpour is eliminated, Lee doubles through Xu for 39,100 and that leaves Xu on his second bullet with crumbs.

Kuang Hung Lee – 96,000
Jieming Xu – 4,000
Kamran Malekpour – Eliminated

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