Kicker Trips Up Mike Esposito, Zhao Benefits

Oct 1, 2017

With the board showing Diamond 3Spade QClub Q it checks around to Mike Esposito (pictured below) on the button who bets 2,000. Andrew Brokos calls from the blinds, then Perry Zhao makes it 6,000 to go from the cutoff seat. Esposito pauses a short while, then reraises to 12,000, prompting a quick fold from Brokos.

Michael Esposito

At that Zhao sits quietly for a few moments, then says he is all in with the 26,400 behind. Esposito has to think about it a little longer this time, but eventually calls.

Zhao shows Diamond ADiamond Q, and Esposito shakes his head as he tables Heart QHeart 9 — both flopped trip queens, but Zhao has Esposito outkicked.

The turn is the Heart J and river the Heart 4, and Zhao wins the pot. He’s up to 65,000 now, while Esposito slips to 25,000.

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