Riyad Khan Eliminated in 9th Place for R82,500 ($5,728.30)

Mar 17, 2019

Riyad Khan

Riyad Khan has unfortunately been unable to ladder at the final table and is the first to be eliminated. It happened as the result of two hands. First he lost a flip with Club ADiamond K against Paul Mantzios’s pocket Diamond 10Club 10, which left him on just 455,000.

He then moved all-in for the last of it in early position and ran Spade AHeart Q into You Zeng’s Club ADiamond K. Zeng had squeezed for 1,255,000 after Paul Mantzios flatted and it is a very tidy pot for Zeng.

You Zeng – 2,235,000
Paul Mantzios – 1,500,000
Riyad Khan – Eliminated

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