Kfir Ivgi Looks Through Jeffrey Cormier

Jan 10, 2018

Jeffrey Cormier
“You and me again?” Kfir Ivgi asked out of the big blind when facing a raise to 1,500 by Jeffrey Cormier, then called moments later. Both players opted to check the [AhAc6c[/pc] flop and Ivgi check-called a bet of 2,000 on the Heart Q turn.

The Heart J river completed the board and Ivgi checked once more. “What you gonna do, you check?” Ivgi asked and Cormier shook his head before tossing in a bet of 6,000. “You have a full house but I have to call,” Ivgi announced and flashed Club KSpade 10 while Cormier indeed had a full house with the Diamond 6Spade 6.

Jeffrey Cormier – 65,000
Kfir Ivgi – 72,000

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