Kevin Schaffel Wins Three-Way All-In to Take Chip Lead; Matt Widdoes Out in 16th Place ($22,240)

Aug 25, 2009

Eugene Katchalov raises under the gun to 25,000, Kevin Schaffel calls from the cutoff, Todd Terry calls from the button, and Matt Widdoes moves all in from the small blind for 128,000. Katchalov reraises to 275,000, and Schaffel moves all in for 536,000. Terry tanks for a while before he folds, and then Katchalov calls, covering both Widdoes and Schaffel. 

Here are the hands, with the bigger stacks listed first:  

Eugene Katchalov:  [8c8d]
Kevin Schaffel:  [KdKs]
Matt Widdoes:  [As7s]

The board comes [Qc5c3h6dQs], and Kevin Schaffel wins the main pot and the side pot with his pocket kings. Matt Widdoes is eliminated in 16th place, earning $22,240. 

Kevin "November Nine" Schaffel  –  1,255,000
Eugene Katchalov  –  207,000
Matt Widdoes  –  eliminated in 16th place ($22,240)

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