Kevin Gimble vs. Mike Leah

Mar 3, 2015

Kevin Gimble raises to 29,000 from middle position and Mike Leah reraises to 59,000 behind him. Mingle calls, bringing a flop of Kspade8club4diamond. Both players check.

The turn is the 7club. Gimble checks, Leah bets 60,000, and Gimble calls.

The river brings the 6club. Gimble checks, Leah bets 125,000, and Gimble thinks for quite a while before calling.

Leah tables 8diamond8heart for a set of eights, which is good enough to take the pot.

Mike Leah – 1,410,000 (118 bb)
Kevin Gimble – 200,000 (17 bb)

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