Kevin Bergeron vs. Tzu Sheng Huang

Oct 28, 2019

Kevin Bergeron

Kevin Bergeron (pictured) raises from the button to 600,000, and Tzu Sheng Huang calls from the big blind. The flop comes Spade AHeart 6Diamond 3, Huang checks, Bergeron bets 750,000, and Huang thinks for a while before he calls.

The turn card is the Diamond 4, and both players check.

The river card is the Club J, Huang checks, Bergeron bets 2,000,000, and Huang tanks for a while before he calls. Bergeron turns over Heart ADiamond J for two pair, aces and jacks, and Huang mucks. Bergeron takes the pot.

Kevin Bergeron  –  10,300,000  (34 bb)
Tzu Sheng Huang  –  4,125,000  (14 bb)

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