Keven Stammen Doubles Thru Victor Lemos

Nov 22, 2016

Keven Stammen

partypoker qualifier Victor Lemos raises to 14,000 from early position, partypoker qualifer and WPT Champions club member Keven Stammen (pictured) calls from the cutoff, and Ari Engel calls from the big blind.

The flop falls Club KHeart 8Heart 3 and action checks to Stammen who bets 16,000. Engel check-raises to about 60,000, Lemos check-reraises all in with a covering stack, and Stammen tanks for about 60 seconds before he calls all in for 186,000. Engel thinks it over for about two minutes.

“It’s just so painful to fold,” says Engel, as he releases his cards.

Lemos: Spade ASpade K
Stammen: Diamond 8Spade 8

Stammen leads with a set of eights and hold up through the Diamond 7 turn and Spade Q river to double through Lemos.

Keven Stammen – 485,000 (81 bb)
Ari Engel – 155,000 (25 bb)
Victor Lemos – 415,000 (69 bb)

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