Kenny Tay Gone Too Soon

Aug 20, 2022

Rajneesh Katoch raises to 1,200 and receives two calls. Kenny Tay then jams for 12,800 on the button and the blinds reluctantly fold. Katoch calls but then folds when Soon Lee Toh moves all-in over the top.

Kenny Tay: Diamond ADiamond 6
Soon Lee Toh: Heart JSpade J

“Ah, so you limp your big hands?” David Rodwell as one of the preflop callers inquires. Tay finds no help on a board of Heart KClub 10Club 7Spade 4Diamond 2 and Toh claims the pot.

Soon Lee Toh – 80,000
David Rodwell – 60,000
Rajneesh Katoch – 26,000
Kenny Tay – Eliminated

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