Ken Demlakian Stacks Up Against Kazuyuki Tankemura

Sep 19, 2024

Photo: Ken Demlakian

Ken Demlakian is building towers and helping him are two hands against Kazuyuki Tanemura. First one sees a board complete Heart JSpade 3Heart AClub 5Heart 6 with 27,000 in the pot, Tanemura bets 16,000, fast call by Demlakian who flips over Heart 2Heart 3 flush that beats Tanemura’s Club ASpade J top two pair. 

Immediately following the win, Tanemura opens then calls Demlakian’s 3200 three-bet, flop is Spade 3Spade 10Diamond 8. Demlakian continues for 3700, Tanemura check-calls. On the turn Spade J Demlakian jams, Tanemura folds. 

Ken Demlakian – 183,000 (457 bb)
Kazuyuki Tanemura – 20,000 (50 bb)

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