Kelly Minkin Takes One Out

Mar 31, 2017

A player in middle position raises, Kelly Minkin three-bets from the big blind, and the initial raiser calls.

The flop falls Spade ADiamond 9Diamond 2 and Minkin continues for 5,500. Her opponent raises to 15,100 and Minkin calls.

The turn is the Heart 5 and Minkin checks to her opponent who shoves for 36,600. Minkin mulls it over a bit before she calls. Minkin’s opponent tables Spade 7Spade 5 for a pair of fives, trailing Minkin’s Diamond KSpade K for a a pair of kings.

The river is the Spade 8, safe for Minkin to score the elimination.

“How do you call? asks her opponent.

Minkin, getting a massage, shrugs as she collects the pot.

Kelly Minkin – 275,000 (275 bb)

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