Katayon Khaterzai Out in 28th Place ($15,084)

Jan 30, 2014

Justin Lunin-Pack raises from the hijack to 53,000, Katayon Khaterzai moves all in from the cutoff for 315,000, and Lunin-Pack calls with [AsQc]. Khaterzai turns over [5c5h], and she’ll need her pocket pair to hold up to stay alive.

The board comes [Ad10d10hJc9d], and Lunin-Pack wins the pot with two pair, aces and tens, to eliminate Khaterzai from the tournament.

Justin Lunin-Pack  –  1,710,000  (71 bb)
Katayon Khaterzai  –  Out in 28th Place  ($15,084)

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