Karim Kaladjou Takes it with Ten

Feb 4, 2024

Karim KaladjouPhoto: Karim Kaladjou

Karim Kaladjou opens to 32,000 from the cutoff and is then three-bet to 93,000 from Juan Garcia in the small blind. 

After some thought, Kaladjou calls the raise and the two go heads-up to a flop of Heart 3Club 4Diamond 10, which both players decide to check. 

On the turn Club 7, Garcia leads for 105,000 and Kaladjou calls. The river is the Heart J, Garcia checks and Kaladjou checks back. 

Garcia shows Heart AHeart K for ace-high but Kaladjou tables Spade KSpade 10 for a pair of tens to take down the pot. 

Karim Kaladjou – 1,025,000 (64 bb)
Juan Garcia – 290,000 (18 bb)

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