Karim Abdelhami Doesn't Back Down From Antoine Jallon

May 14, 2024

Karim Abdelhami raises to 800 in early position and an opponent in middle position calls before Antoine Jallon three-bets to 3,800 in the small blind.

Only Abdelhami calls and the flop comes Club 4Club 9Spade K. Jallon leads out for 2,500 and Abdelhami again calls.

The turn is the Spade 10 and Jallon bets 7,100. Abdelhami calls to see the Diamond 2 river, where Jallon slows down and checks.

Abdelhami checks back and Jallon shows Spade AHeart Q. Abdelhami turns over Spade 5Spade 4 for a pair of fours to win the pot.

Karim Abdelhami- 38,000 (95 bb)
Antoine Jallon- 28,000 (70 bb)

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