Karan Malhotra Over a Million With Elimination of Rahil Panjwani

Apr 16, 2023

Siddharth Jolly raises to 34,000 under the gun and gets three-bet to 130,000 by Karan Malhotra in the small blind. Rahil Panjwani then moves all in from the big blind for 384,000 and after Jolly folds, Malhotra calls.

Rahil Panjwani: Diamond JHeart J
Karan Malhotra: Diamond AHeart A

The Spade 9Club 4Club 6Spade 2Spade 7board comes clean for Malhotra and he wins a big pot to push him into the millionaires’ club.

Karan Malhotra – 1,100,000
Siddharth Jolly – 990,000
Rahil Panjwani – eliminated

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