Kampanatsanyakorn Eliminates Jason Park (16th) & Wang Kun (17th)

Dec 18, 2013

Jason Park raises under the gun to 17,000, Chane Kampanatsanyakorn reraises from middle position to 35,000, and Wang Kun cold four-bets from the button to 85,000. Park reraises to 182,000, and Kampanatsanyakorn six-bets all in.

Kun tanks for a while before he calls, and Park tanks for a while before he call as well. Here are their hands, in descending order of chip counts:

Chane Kampanatsanyakorn:  [AdAh]
Jason Park:  [KhKs]
Wang Kun:  [QcQd]

The board comes [9h7h5s10c8s], and the pocket aces hold up for Kampanatsanyakorn to win the pot and eliminate both players from the tournament.

Chane Kampanatsanyakorn  –  913,000  (114 bb)
Jason Park  –  Out in 16th Place  ($4,400)
Wang Kun  –  Out in 17th Place  ($4,400)

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