Justin Henry Eliminated by Joseph Montervino

Aug 27, 2011

Justin Henry raises to 2,400 from middle position and Joseph Montervino reraises to 5,000 from the cutoff.  JC Tran calls from the big blind and Henry calls as well.

The flop comes down [9s4h2h] and action checks to Montervino, who bets 11,500.  Tran folds and Henry check-raises 25,000 total, leaving around 30,000 behind.  Montervino moves all-in, having Henry covered, and Henry calls.

Henry turns over [9c8c] for top pair and Montervino turns over [KcKs].

Montervino is confused by Henry’s holdings and leans over to get a closer look at his holdings.  "What do you have there? A pair of nines?"

Montervino sees Henry’s holdings more clearly and adds, "What? Are you kidding me? You think we’re playing in the park?"

Henry says nothing, but stands and puts his hands over his head as the turn brings the [Kh] and the river the [Jh].

Henry is eliminated and Montervino rakes in the pot.  After the hand, Montervino is up to 220,000.  He is one of three players at the table with more than 200,000 chips.  Cody Slaubaugh and chip leader JC Tran are sitting on big stacks as well.

Joseph Montervino – 220,000
Justin Henry – eliminated

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