Justin Chu Knocks Out Chad Awerbuch in Big Pot

Apr 20, 2024

Photo: Justin Chu

Chad Awerbuch from under the gun and Justin Chu in the big blind tangle in a pot that seemingly starts rather innocent when the former raises and the latter calls with four-way action going forward. Only Chu check-calls a bet on the Diamond ASpade 5Heart 3 flop and they check the Diamond J turn.

Chu checks the Heart J river as well and Awerbuch now bets 25,800 with around 35,000 behind. The Taiwanese pro moves all-in and Awerbuch tank-calls to get shown Diamond 3Spade 3 for treys full of jacks, sending his Heart AClub K into the muck.

Justin Chu – 275,000 (138 bb)

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