Julien Weymouth Loses Lots to Kim Changhan

Feb 14, 2020

Christos Vlahos raises to 300 and gets three-bet to 900 by Julien Weymouth, which Kim Changhan and Vlahos both call. On a flop of Club JDiamond 9Diamond 3, the action checks to Weymouth who bets 700 and Changhan is the only caller.

Changhan then check-calls twice for 3,800 on the Spade 2 turn and 9,000 on the Diamond A river to get shown Spade QHeart 10 for a busted open-ender, which Changhan has beat with the [p]AsJs[/pc] for top two pair.

Kim Changhan – 45,000
Andreas Vlahos – 29,000
Julien Weymouth – 12,800

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