Jules Hamidou Chips Away at Luca Casali

Sep 6, 2023

Jules HarnidouPhoto: Jules Hamidou

With about 13,000 in the middle on a flop of Heart KClub 3Diamond 2, Luca Casali check-calls a bet of 5,000 from Jules Hamidou in the cutoff.

On the Club A turn, Casali checks his small blind again and Hamidou checks back.

The river brings the Heart 9 and Harnidou fires another 5,000 after a final check from Casali. Casali calls to see Hamidou’s Diamond KClub Q for a flopped top pair which is good enough for the win.

Jules Hamidou – 83,500 (41 bb)
Luca Casali – 31,000 (15 bb)

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