Julien Milliard-Feral Folds to Dovid Lakein's Check-Raise

Apr 30, 2023

Julien Milliard-Feral raises to 35,000 from middle position and the player in the hijack calls along with Dovid Lakein in the small blind.

The dealer spreads a flop of Club 9Spade 7Club 5 and Lakein checks. Milliard-Feral bets 65,000 and the hijack folds but Lakein check-raises to 165,000. Milliard-Feral gives it some thought, but choses to fold.

Dovid Lakein – 1,750,000 (116 bb)
Julien Milliard-Feral – 1,390,000 (92 bb)

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