Jozef Cibicek Spikes a King For a Knockout

May 14, 2024

Adam Posch raises to 8,000 in the hijack before Jozef Cibicek three-bets to 23,000 on the button. The big blind sticks in his last 10,000, while Posch folds.

All-In Player: Club AClub 2
Jozef Cibicek: Diamond KDiamond 2

Cibicek is dominated heading to the Heart 8Spade 7Club 7 flop, while the turn is the Diamond 3. The river comes the Spade K and Cibicek hits two pair to win the pot and send his opponent to the rail.

“You did not see his stack,” a tablemate tells Cibicek after the hand.

“He was too worried about my stack,” Posch adds.

Jozef Cibicek- 220,000 (55 bb)
Adam Posch- 60,000  (15 bb)

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