Josue Sauvageau Eliminated in 14th Place by Seth Davies

May 4, 2016

Davies busts Sauvageau

Action folds to Josue Sauvageau (standing, center) in the small blind and he limps. Seth Davies checks his option from the big and the two see a flop of Spade AClub KSpade 4, which they both check. Sauvageau then bets 55,000 on the Heart Q turn, Davies calls, and the Spade J completes the board on the river.

Sauvageau checks, Davies moves all in, and Sauvageau snap-calls off for roughly 380,000. Davies shows the nuts with the Spade KSpade 3, and Sauvageau simply shakes his head before showing the inferior Spade 9Spade 2 flush.

Seth Davies  –  2,000,000  (83 bbs)
Josue Sauvageau  –  Eliminated in 14th Place  (CAD $15,300)

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