Joshua McCully Eliminated by Florencio Campomanes

Aug 19, 2023

Joshua McCully open shoves for the last 38,500 and Florencio Campomanes in the big blind asks for a count, then calls a few seconds later.

Joshua McCully: Heart AHeart 4
Florencio Campomanes: Heart KClub Q

“You are ahead,” McCully says before the cards are turned over but that is only the case on the Club KDiamond 8Heart 3 flop when Campomanes pairs up. Nothing changes on the Club 7 turn and Heart 10 river and that spells the end for the Aussie.

“That’s how they get me … he is too good,” McCully jokes on the way out.

Florencio Campomanes – 85,000
Joshua McCully – Eliminated

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