Joshua Frazer-James Rebuilds Through Vadim Sienchkin

May 14, 2024

Vadim Sienchkin was left short and recently lost the last of his stack following a massive hand versus Joshua Frazer-James that has seen him return to the land of the leaders after a brief hiatus.

As told by Sienchkin, following a hijack open to 13,000, Sienchin three-bets to 35,000 in the cutoff and gets cold-called by Frazer-James on the button. The original raiser folds.

The remaining duo sees a flop of Spade 7Spade 6Diamond 6 and then checks.

On the Diamond A turn, Sienchkin bets 45,000 and gets called by Frazer-James.

The river appears to be an inconsequential Club 4 and Sienchkin moves in for 130,000 but gets snap-called by Frazer-James.

Sienchkin shows Heart AClub K for aces and sixes, but Frazer-James shows Club 8Club 5 for a rivered straight, surprising Sienchkin who didn’t consider that kind of hand in Frazer-James three-bet cold-calling range.

The hand left him short and he was eliminated shortly after, but the WPT Live Reporting crew appreciates him passing along the details of his interesting though unfortunate hand.

Joshua Frazer-James – 410,000 (68 bb)
Vadim Sienchkin – eliminated

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