Josh Lachman Eliminated in 27th Place by Adam Geyer

Aug 30, 2016

Josh Lachman

Adam Geyer raises from middle position to 35,000, Josh Lachman (pictured) moves all in from the big blind for 140,000, and Geyer calls with Heart ASpade K. Lachman turns over Heart KClub Q, and needs to improve to stay alive.

The board comes Diamond JHeart 8Heart 5Heart 9Spade 8 — Lachman turns a gutshot straight draw, but improves no further. Geyer wins the pot with his ace to eliminate Lachman in 27th place.

Adam Geyer  –  735,000  (46 bb)
Josh Lachman  –  Eliminated in 27th Place  ($14,090)

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