Josh Kay Shoves the River with a Nine-High Bluff vs. Vittorio Faricelli

Sep 21, 2017

Josh Kay

Vittorio Faricelli raises from middle position to 90,000, Josh Kay (pictured) reraises from the button to 250,000, and Faricelli calls. Both players check to the turn on a board of Heart KClub QHeart 4Club 6, Faricelli checks, Kay bets 250,000, and Faricelli calls.

The river card is the Heart 7, Faricelli checks, Kay moves all in for 600,000, and Faricelli folds.

Kay shows Diamond 9Diamond 8 for a nine-high bluff as he takes the pot.

Josh Kay  –  1,900,000  (48 bb)
Vittorio Faricelli  –  1,200,000  (30 bb)

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