Jordon Boosted by Wright Elimination

Mar 30, 2018

Terry Jordon
A player raised to 600 from under the gun and the cutoff called. Nick Wright was on the button and called before Terry Jordon (pictured) three-bet to 2,700 from the small blind. The initial raiser folded and the cutoff called before Wright four-bet all in for around 6,000. Jordon re-shipped and the cutoff, who covered the other players, called.

Terry Jordon: X AX Q
Nick Wright: Club 7Spade 7
Cutoff: Spade QSpade 10

The board ran out X JX 8X 3X AX 6 with the ace on the turn more than doubling Jordon’s stack to just under 40,000 while Wright was eliminated.

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