Jonathan Tamayo vs. Jesse Lonis

Jan 23, 2022

Jonathan Tamayo

Jonathan Tamayo (pictured above) raises to 6,000 under the gun and is three-bet to 21,500 by Jesse Lonis (pictured below). Tamayo calls and action goes heads up to a flop of Spade 9Club 9Diamond 6. Tamayo check-calls a continuation-bet of 15,500 from Lonis.

The turn is the Spade Q and Tamayo checks again. Lonis fires a second barrel of 32,500 and Tamayo calls once more, bringing the river Club 7. Tamayo checks for a third time and Lonis’s fist connects with the felt to check behind and take the hand to showdown.

Tamayo shows Heart 6Club 6 for a flopped full house and Lonis mucks, earning Tamayo the pot.

Jesse Lonis – 620,000 (248 bb)
Jonathan Tamayo – 265,000 (106 bb)

Jesse Lonis

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