Jonathan Poissant Out in 37th Place (CAD $4,709)

Mar 31, 2014

Jonathan Poissant opens to 75,000 under the gun, and action folds all the way around to the big blind. Mario Lim reraises all in with the overing stack, and Poissant commits his last ~300,000 chips to the pot with a quick call.

Poissant: [KhKs]
Lim: [4h4s]

The [5c9s8s] flop doesn’t change much, but the [4d] turn does. Poissant is now drawing dead to two outs.

"Sorry," Lim says quietly.

The river [6h] is the last card of Poissant’s day, eliminated in 37th place.

Mario Lim – 2,675,000 (89 bb)
Jonathan Poissant – Eliminated in 37th Place

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