Jonathan Little Eliminated in 13th Place ($39,800)

Mar 13, 2014

Jonathan Little 4
WPT Champions Club member Jonathan Little (pictured, left) raises to 50,000 preflop under the gun and Mukul Pahuja (foreground, right) three-bets to 140,000 on the small blind. Brian Park four-bets to 380,000 on the big blind and Little five-bet shoves all in.

Pahuja tanks for a while before he folds, and Park calls to cover Little for his tournament life. The two players then table their hands.

Park:  [KsKh]
Little:  [QdQh]

Board:  [AsAd2s9hKc]

Little is eliminated on the hand in 13th place and Park is up to 1,260,000. There is a short break after the hand so the remaining players can redraw for new seats at the final two tables.

Brian Park  –  1,260,000  (52 bb)
Jonathan Little  –  Eliminated in 13th Place  ($39,800)

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