Jonathan Lewis Eliminated in 10th Place ($52,980)

Aug 1, 2016

Elimination Jonathan Lewis

Hand #8  –  Bastian Fischer raises UTG+1 to 140,000, Jonathan Lewis (pictured) calls from middle position, and James Mackey calls from the hijack.

The flop comes Club 4Diamond 4Diamond 2, Fischer checks, and Lewis bets 250,000. Mackey calls, and Fischer folds. The turn card is the Club 9, Lewis bets 500,000, and Mackey calls.

The river card is the Diamond 8, Lewis moves all in for about 1.16 million, and Mackey calls. Lewis shows Diamond KClub K for two pair, kings and fours, but Mackey turns over Diamond ADiamond Q to win the pot with an ace-high diamond flush. Lewis is eliminated in 10th place.

James Mackey  –  6,040,000  (101 bb)
Jonathan Lewis  –  Eliminated in 10th Place  ($52,980)

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